

Sound collection from the most remote and pristine regions of the Himalayas.

Recording Location: Uttarakhand, Sikkim (India)
Habitat: Lesser Himalaya, Middle Himalaya, Greater Himalaya
Time: 326min (81 tracks)
Format: .wav 96khz / 24bit
Size: 14GB


3-month expedition | 1st extensive audio library of Himalayas | 81 HQ audio tracks | unique habitats

The Himalayas are a huge 45 million-year-old mountain range that stretches over 2,400 km and is renowned for its remarkable diversity, remoteness, and spiritual practices. These mountains offer an insight into the past with their stunning scenery and continuing traditional lifestyle practiced by people for centuries.  They also serve a vital function as the primary origin of freshwater for 10 significant Asian rivers, supporting the livelihoods of more than 1.3 billion people. The region’s varied elevations, ranging from lowlands with a tropical climate to high peaks, support a wide range of life.


  • Ancient forests: A wide range of habitats and different times of the day, including endemic bird species such as Monal bird.
  • Alpine meadows: Mountainous openings that provide habitats for numerous bird species, and occasionally serve as grazing grounds for shepherds’ cows and sheep.
  • Water: Freshwater creeks gently flowing from the high-altitude lakes and mountain peaks with melting snow and glaciers.
  • Wind: Rushing distant wind over the mountain peaks and treetops of ancient trees.
  • Snow: A collection of distinct sounds produced by descending snowflakes during a snowfall at an elevation of 3200 meters.
  • Raw quality: Soundtracks are uncut, kept in the raw yet quality sound, and edited with minimal basic EQ. Compiled for sound designers, filmmakers, bioacoustic researchers, or other nature enthusiasts.

Audio preview:
*Note: soundtracks are cut down to 15-second samples and are not the full original length.



Full sound effects list

Filename Time Description Keywords CatID
H01_Birds_Nearby_Forest_Valley.wav 4:30 forest nearby flying bird ambience forest, nearby, flying bird, ambience AMBBird
H02_Birds_Pigeon_ID_Rich_Ambience_Dawn_Chamoli.wav 4:30 dawn forest pigeon ambience dawn, forest, pigeon, ambience AMBBird
H03_Birds_Rich_Ambience_Dawn_Chamoli.wav 4:30 calm forest bird ambience calm, forest, bird, ambience AMBBird
H04_Birdsong_High_Mountain_Forest_Calm_Ambience.wav 4:00 high mountain forest with bird singing and distant wind over mountains high mountain, forest, bird singing, distant wind, mountains AMBBird
H05_Dawn_Bird_Call_Strong_ID__Pine_forest_Valley_Sartoli.wav 2:15 dawn at mountain forest valley birds dawn, mountain, forest valley, birds AMBBird
H06_Dawn_Mandal_Valley_Upper_Forest_Ambience.wav 3:18 dawn at mountain forest valley birds dawn, mountain, forest valley, birds AMBBird
H07_Day_Ambience_Singalila_Sikkim.wav 1:50 daytime bird ambience daytime, bird, ambience AMBBird
H08_Day_Bugyal_Cow_Mooing_Ambient.wav 4:40 mooing cow and distant bells bugyal ambience mooing cow, distant bells, bugyal, ambience AMBBird
H09_Day_Bugyal_Nearby_Sheeps_Grazing_Ambient.wav 2:40 calm sheep grazing with bells and calls calm, sheep grazing, bells, calls AMBBird
H10_Distant_Valley_Ambience_Chopta.wav 3:00 distant valley forest ambience distant valley, forest, ambience AMBBird
H11_Dusk_Ambience_Rich_Pine_forest_Sartoli.wav 4:00 rich dusk ambience in high alltidue pine forest rich dusk, high altitude, pine forest AMBBird
H12_Birds_Ravens_After_Snow.wav 1:30 after snow raven calls at mountain bugyal after snow, raven calls, mountain, bugyal AMBBird
H13_Dusk_Bird_Call_Strong_ID__Pine_forest_Sartoli.wav 3:30 moody dusk ambience in high forest valley moody dusk, high forest valley AMBBird
H14_Birds_Ravens_Kuari_Pass_Snow_Melting_Pine_Trees_Sun_Out_Morning.wav 4:30 morning melting snow with ravens flying above morning, melting snow, ravens flying AMBBird
H15_Dusk_Bird_Call_Strong_Plus_Antoher_ID__Pine_forest_Sartoli.wav 3:00 moody dusk ambience in high forest valley moody dusk, high forest valley AMBBird
H16_Birds_Raven_Calls_Bugyal_Bhaleydhunga.wav 2:47 morning at mountain opening with ravens flying above morning, mountain, opening, ravens flying AMBBird
H17_Birds_Woodpecker_Rythms_Bugyal_High_Mountains.wav 5:00 unique woodpecker and distant rushing mountain wind unique woodpecker, distant rushing, mountain wind AMBBird
H18_Dusk_Flying_Birds_Pine_Forest_Valley_Sartoli.wav 4:00 alive dusk ambience with bird flying closeby alive dusk, bird flying, closeby AMBBird
H19_Birdsong_Tali_Forest_Calm_Ambience.wav 2:00 spring birdsong in mountain forest spring, birdsong, mountain forest AMBBird
H20_Calm_Mountain_Ambience_Bhaishya_Badri.wav 7:45 mountain birds and light wind background mountain birds, light wind, background AMBBird
H21_Dawn_Ambience_Bird_Call_Strong_ID__Pine_Forest_Valley_Sartoli.wav 2:40 pine forest dawn ambience pine forest, dawn, ambience AMBBird
H22_Dawn_Ambience_Singalila_Sikkim.wav 7:00 forest dawn ambience forest dawn, ambience AMBBird
H23_Bhaleydhunga_ID_Day.wav 0:45 morning animals at high mountains morning animals, high mountains AMBBird
H24_Lower_Forest_Rich_Ambience_Mandal_valley.wav 4:40 lower himalayas forest valley ambience lower Himalayas, forest valley, ambience AMBBird
H25_Lower_Himalayas_Bird_Call__ID__Jungle.wav 2:35 lower himalayas jungle ambience lower Himalayas, jungle, ambience AMBBird
H26_Lower_Himalayas_Bird_Call_Jungle.wav 4:30 lower himalayas jungle ambience lower Himalayas, jungle, ambience AMBBird
H27_Monal_Bird_Call_High_Mountains_Wind_Background.wav 2:22 monal bird and mountain rushing wind monal bird, mountain, rushing wind AMBBird
H28_Monal_Bird_Calls.wav 1:30 clear monal bird calls clear monal bird calls AMBBird
H29_Monal_Bird_Flying_Calls_Mountain_Lake_Tali_Forest.wav 11:40 monal bird flying and clear calls monal bird flying, clear calls AMBBird
H30_Monal_Bird_Lower_Forest_Mandal_Valley.wav 2:15 monal bird clear calls mountain lake monal bird, clear calls, mountain lake AMBBird
H31_Morning_Ambience_Monal_Bird_Rich_Pine_forest_Sartoli.wav 8:00 monal bird pine forest morning monal bird, pine forest, morning AMBBird
H32_Morning_Mandal_Valley_Upper_Forest_Ambience.wav 5:00 rich forest valley spring birds ambience and woodpecker rich forest valley, spring birds, ambience, woodpecker AMBBird
H33_Morning_Pine_Forest_Bird_Ambience_After_Rain_Bhaleydhunga.wav 5:00 mountain pine forest after rain with birds mountain pine forest, after rain, birds AMBBird
H34_Sartoli_First_calm_day_ambience.wav 3:00 light birds with distant bee ambience in daytime light birds, distant bee ambience, daytime AMBBird
H35_Lake_Birdsong_Ambience_Yuksom.wav 3:00 morning ambience at the big mountain lake morning ambience, big mountain lake AMBBird
H36_Lake_Birdsong_Morning_Ambience_Yuksom.wav 4:15 morning ambience at the big mountain lake morning ambience, big mountain lake AMBBird
H37_Lake_Mountain_Ambience_Dawn_Sikkim_West_Bengal_Border.wav 3:00 dawn morning ambience at the mountain lake dawn morning, mountain lake AMBBird
H38_Lake_Mountain_Rich_Ambience_Dawn_Sikkim_West_Bengal_Border.wav 3:30 dawn morning ambience at the mountain lake dawn morning, mountain lake AMBBird
H39_Rain_Cloud_Forest_Chamoli_Sartoli.wav 5:00 light rain in cloud forest high mountains light rain, cloud forest, high mountains RAINVege
H40_Rain_Lesser_Himalaya_Jungle.wav 4:00 rain on leaves in lesser himalaya rain, leaves, lesser Himalaya RAINVege
H41_Rain_Strong_Lesser_Himalaya_Jungle.wav 4:35 rain in lesser himalaya rain, lesser Himalaya RAINVege
H42_Snow_Falling_Hard_Under_Pine_Trees.wav 5:00 big snow flakes falling under pine trees big snow flakes, falling, pine trees SNOWMisc
H43_Snow_Falling_Med_High.wav 2:55 detailed ice snow falling detailed ice snow, falling SNOWMisc
H44_Snow_Falling_Under_Rock.wav 9:00 snow falling under with mics under rock snow falling, mics, rock SNOWMisc
H45_Snow_Melting_Bugyal_Morning_Sun_Ravens_Ambience.wav 3:30 snow melting intensely with raven calls ambience snow melting, intensely, raven calls, ambience SNOWMisc
H46_Snow_Melting_Forest_Ambience.wav 4:00 snow melting ambience in forest snow melting, ambience, forest SNOWMisc
H47_Snow_Melting_Pine_Trees_Sun_Out_Morning_Bugyal.wav 2:00 snow melting on bugyal near forest snow melting, bugyal, near forest SNOWMisc
H48_Snow_Melting_Pine_Trees_Sun_Out_Morning_Ravens_Tali.wav 3:30 snow melting under big pine trees snow melting, big pine trees SNOWMisc
H49_Snow_Melting_Slowly_Morning_Under_Big_Trees.wav 1:00 snow melting under big pine trees snow melting, big pine trees SNOWMisc
H50_Snow_Pine_Forest_Ancient_Kuari_Pass.wav 4:30 detail snow falling at the mountain pine forest detailed snow falling, mountain pine forest SNOWMisc
H51_Snow_Storm_Med_High.wav 2:20 snow falling at the mountain pine forest snow falling, mountain pine forest SNOWMisc
H52_Storm_#1_Approcahing_High_Mountains_Bhaleydhunga.wav 4:00 high altitude mountain storm developing high altitude, mountain storm, developing STORM
H53_Storm_#2_Strong_Lightning_High_Mountains_Bhaleydhunga.wav 7:15 high altitude mountain storm developing high altitude, mountain storm, developing STORM
H54_Storm_#3_Strong_Lightning_High_Mountains_Bhaleydhunga.wav 7:50 high altitude mountain storm developing high altitude, mountain storm, developing STORM
H55_Storm_#4_Strong_Lightning_High_Mountains_Bhaleydhunga.wav 7:50 high altitude mountain storm developing high altitude, mountain storm, developing STORM
H56_Storm_Thunder_Wind_Blowing_Over_Mossy_Branches.wav 9:50 wind over mossy branches and distant storm wind, mossy branches, distant storm STORM
H57_Storm_Closer_Mountains_Night.wav 4:45 closer mountain thunderstorm closer mountain, thunderstorm STORM
H58_Storm_Distant_Mountains_Night.wav 3:38 distant mountain thunderstorm distant mountain, thunderstorm STORM
H59_Water_Creek_Gentle_Flowing_Snow_Melting_Trees.wav 3:00 mountain creek flowing water melting snow from trees mountain creek, flowing water, melting snow, trees WATRFlow
H60_Water_Creek_Melting_Snow.wav 3:00 mountain creek flowing water melting snow mountain creek, flowing water, melting snow WATRFlow
H61_Water_Creek_Gentle_Flowing.wav 3:00 small mountain creek flowing water small mountain, creek, flowing water WATRFlow
H62_Water_Creek_Melting_Snow_High_Mountains.wav 4:00 mountain creek flowing water melting snow mountain creek, flowing water, melting snow WATRFlow
H63_Water_Creek_Mountain_Small_Sartoli.wav 2:50 soothing creek running soothing creek running WATRFlow
H64_Water_Creek_Soft_Medium_Flowing.wav 3:00 gentle creek running from a mountain lake gentle creek running, mountain lake WATRFlow
H65_Water_Creek_Mountain_Small_Sartoli_Second.wav 1:40 gentle creek running from a mountain lake gentle creek running, mountain lake WATRFlow
H66_Water_Creek_Soft_Medium_Second_Flowing.wav 2:00 gentle creek running from a mountain lake gentle creek running, mountain lake WATRFlow
H67_Water_Creek_Soft_Flowing.wav 3:00 gentle creek running from a mountain lake gentle creek running, mountain lake WATRFlow
H68_Water_Flowing_Creek_Forest.wav 3:30 gentle creek running from a mountain lake gentle creek running, mountain lake WATRFlow
H69_Water_Gentle_Mountain_Creek_Melting_Snow.wav 5:00 gentle creek running from a mountain lake gentle creek running, mountain lake WATRFlow
H70_Water_Icy_Creek_Ambience.wav 4:30 melting snow and soft icy creek with some birds melting snow, soft icy creek, birds WATRFlow
H71_Water_Melting_Snow.wav 1:00 melting snow and soft icy creek melting snow, soft icy creek WATRFlow
H72_Water_River_Distant_Ganga_Upstream.wav 1:30 pink noise distant ganga river strong pink noise, distant ganga river, strong WATRFlow
H73_Wind_Crickets_Chamoli.wav 3:20 wind over mountains and light crickets in the background wind, mountains, light crickets, background WIND
H74_Wind_Day_Calm_Ambience_Birds_Branches.wav 4:30 windy day with bird ambience windy day, bird ambience WIND
H75_Wind_Dry_Forest_Chamoli.wav 3:30 rushing wind moving cloud forest branches with birds background rushing wind, cloud forest branches, birds, background WIND
H76_Wind_Dry_Leaves_Branches_Light_Birds.wav 1:40 wind, dry leaves, birds wind, dry leaves, birds WIND
H77_Wind_Dry_Leaves_One_Storm_Hit.wav 4:40 windy dry leaves with distant storm lightning windy dry leaves, distant storm, lightning WIND
H78_Wind_Rushing_High_Mountains.wav 10:00 strong wind rushing over high mountain peak strong wind, high mountain peak WIND
H79_Wind_Rushing_Small_Bamboo_Moving_3200m_Lake.wav 9:00 wind over mountain top and small bamboo swaying wind, mountain top, small bamboo, swaying WIND
H80_Wind_Snow_Storm_High_Mountains.wav 2:55 rushing wind with light falling snow rushing wind, light falling snow WIND
H81_BONUS_Roe_Deer_Forest_Valley.wav 1:40 roe deer calls in the forest roe deer calls, forest ANMLWild

Recording gear:
Recording equipment:
Sound Devices MixPre II
Nevaton MC 59 omnidirectional
Audio Technica shotgun

Recording location

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